What is Tooth Erosion? Can a Dentist Treat it?

Dental erosion is the loss of the surface of your teeth as a result of acids in your diet or beverages or acids that come up from your stomach, among other factors. These acids can dissolve the crystals that make up your teeth, resulting in tooth surface loss and tooth decay.

A person must immediately contact a dental clinic in Milwaukee to get the treatment at the earliest. Abrasion or tooth grinding may make it simpler for these acids to wear away the tooth's surface, making it easier for them to be worn away altogether. 


The following symptoms characterize dental erosion- 


One symptom of dental erosion is the loss of the tooth's surface, which results in a smooth, glossy look of the tooth. It is also possible that dental erosion may cause any exposed tooth root (dentine) to become sensitive to hot, cold, or sweet foods and beverages.


When there is extensive dental erosion, the enamel may wear away, exposing the underlying dentine. These regions appear as yellow depressions on the tooth surface when the erosion is severe. The appearance of fillings may begin to become more noticeable if the tooth surface around the filling is being eroded away.


Treatment and Restoration of Tooth Erosion by a dentist 


The response is dependent on the kind of tooth erosion that has occurred. The following are some of the therapy options available for active tooth tissue loss at the dental clinic in Milwaukee.


·    Treating the underlying medical condition or illness will be the primary objective.

·       The affected pH of the food or beverage is being changed, which is adding to the issue.

·       Changing the patient's way of life so that he or she does not consume the food  or beverage.

·        Reduced abrasive forces are being used.

·        Brush carefully with a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid damaging the teeth.

·     It is recommended to wait at least 30 minutes after eating acidic foods and beverages before cleaning your teeth (teeth will be softened).

·       After eating acidic meals and beverages, rinse your mouth with water.

·   Shortly before brushing your teeth, using a re-mineralizing agent, such as sodium fluoride solution in the form of a fluoride mouth rinse, pill, or lozenge, may help prevent tooth decay and cavities.

·        Consuming milk or other dairy products is prohibited.

·  Antacid pills or other neutralizing agents may be used to alleviate the symptoms

·     Dentine bonding chemicals are applied to regions of exposed dentin using a brush.


Tooth Erosion Treatment for Severe Cases


Gold and porcelain are logical choices, and the following abstract discusses the treatment of severe tooth erosion using ultra-thin CAD/CAM composite occlusal veneers and anterior bilaminar veneers, both of which are made of composite.


Tooth Erosion Treatment with Ultrathin Bonded Veneers


The researchers discovered that ultra-thin occlusal veneers are a viable alternative to traditional erosion treatments, and they documented instances of full mouth rehabilitation with veneers.


Patients in this research had badly deteriorated dentition, and the dental practitioner used a bilaminar technique to treat the anterior maxillary teeth, which resulted in successful treatment. This technique allows for just strategic reduction and does not need any prior preparation.




There are a few things patients may do to keep their teeth from eroding. Patients at dental clinics in Milwaukee may benefit from fluoride toothpaste, mouthwash, gel, and desensitizing toothpaste, all of which are available via oral healthcare providers.


Patients who suffer from tooth erosion due to acidic drinks and foods may limit their intake of acidic foods and beverages to mealtimes or avoid them altogether, stop drinking carbonated drinks, avoid citrus fruits, and use a straw. 


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