
Showing posts from August, 2021

What is Tooth Erosion? Can a Dentist Treat it?

Dental erosion is the loss of the surface of your teeth as a result of acids in your diet or beverages or acids that come up from your stomach, among other factors. These acids can dissolve the crystals that make up your teeth, resulting in tooth surface loss and tooth decay. A person must immediately contact a  dental clinic in Milwaukee  to get the treatment at the earliest. Abrasion or tooth grinding may make it simpler for these acids to wear away the tooth's surface, making it easier for them to be worn away altogether.    The following symptoms characterize dental erosion-    One symptom of dental erosion is the loss of the tooth's surface, which results in a smooth, glossy look of the tooth. It is also possible that dental erosion may cause any exposed tooth root (dentine) to become sensitive to hot, cold, or sweet foods and beverages.   When there is extensive dental erosion, the enamel may wear away, exposing the underlying dentine. These regions appear a